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Tena Men Pads Level 3 8 Pack
Tena Men Pads Level 3 8 Pack
$9.99 $0.50 Off RRP!
QV Gentle Wash 1.25Kg
QV Gentle Wash 1.25Kg
Tena Pants Night Large 12 Pack
Tena Pants Night Large 12 Pack
$21.49 $0.50 Off RRP!
Ecostore Dish Washer Tablets Fragrance Free 30 Pack
Ecostore Dish Washer Tablets Fragrance Free 3...
$13.99 $2.00 Off RRP!
Bioglan Red Krill Oil 1000mg 60 Capsules Chemist Warehouse - Better than half price off RRP
Bioglan Red Krill Oil 1000mg 60 Capsules
$25.99 $66.00 Off RRP!
WaterWipes Biodegradable Baby Wipes 4x 60 Pack
WaterWipes Biodegradable Baby Wipes 4x 60 Pac...
$25.99 $2.00 Off RRP!
Goat Soap With Manuka Honey 100g
Goat Soap With Manuka Honey 100g
Maxine's Burn Bar Choc Caramel Crunch 40g
Maxine's Burn Bar Choc Caramel Crunch 40g
$2.99 $0.51 Off RRP!
Optifast VLCD Shake Chocolate 18 x 53g
Optifast VLCD Shake Chocolate 18 x 53g
$63.99 $20.96 Off RRP!
Goat Soap 100g
Goat Soap 100g
La Roche Posay Anthelios Invisible Fluid SPF 50+ 50ml
La Roche Posay Anthelios Invisible Fluid SPF ...
$26.39 $11.56 Off RRP!
Ecostore Laundry Liquid Ultra Sensitive 1L
Ecostore Laundry Liquid Ultra Sensitive 1L
$9.49 $1.50 Off RRP!
Krumbled Beauty Bites White Choc Raspberry 32g Chemist Warehouse - Half price off RRP
Krumbled Beauty Bites White Choc Raspberry 32...
$3.49 $0.51 Off RRP!
Tena Pads Maxi Night 14 Pack
Tena Pads Maxi Night 14 Pack
$10.99 $0.66 Off RRP!
Dove Triple Moisturising Deeply Nourishing Body Wash 1 Litre
Dove Triple Moisturising Deeply Nourishing Bo...
$8.49 $8.51 Off RRP!
Ecostore Dishwash Liquid Ultra Sensitive 1L
Ecostore Dishwash Liquid Ultra Sensitive 1L
$7.99 $0.80 Off RRP!
Nicorette Quit Smoking QuickMist Nicotine Mouth Spray Freshmint 3 x 150 Pack
Nicorette Quit Smoking QuickMist Nicotine Mou...
Krumbled Beauty Bites White Choc Macadamia 32g
Krumbled Beauty Bites White Choc Macadamia 32...
$3.49 $0.01 Off RRP!
Sabrina Carpenter Sweet Tooth Eau de Parfum 30ml
Sabrina Carpenter Sweet Tooth Eau de Parfum 3...
Quest Tortilla Protein Chip Nacho Cheese 32g
Quest Tortilla Protein Chip Nacho Cheese 32g
$5.49 $0.50 Off RRP!
Goat Soap with Lemon Myrtle 100g
Goat Soap with Lemon Myrtle 100g
Centrum For Women 50+ 90 Tablets Exclusive Size
Centrum For Women 50+ 90 Tablets Exclusive Si...
Swisse Ultiboost Liver Detox 200 Tablets Chemist Warehouse - Half price off RRP
Swisse Ultiboost Liver Detox 200 Tablets
$32.99 $25.00 Off RRP!
Krumbled Beauty Bites Salted Caramel 32g Chemist Warehouse - Half price off RRP
Krumbled Beauty Bites Salted Caramel 32g
$3.49 $0.51 Off RRP!

Important Information
Pharmacist Only Medicine - Pharmacist advice is required to purchase this product. Legislation requires you to contact our pharmacist on 1300 367 283 within 48 hours after placing the order to receive this item. Failure to do this means the item will be deleted from your order with a refund, and the balance of the order being dispatched.
Prescription - An Australian issued prescription is required to dispense prescription products.
Schedule 8 Medicine - An Australian issued prescription is required for the supply of these medicines. These products are subject to stricter regulatory requirements that vary between states.